domingo, julho 18, 2004

in english: Democracy in motion

A propósito do relatório Butler que diluiu as responsabilidades das imprecisões no relatório britânico sobre as armas de destruição maciça numa responsabilidade colectiva
BBC NEWS | Programmes | Hardtalk | Butler Report: Tim Sebastian interviews Hans Blix: "HB: 'When we hear that the world is better and safer after Saddam has disappeared I would disagree. It's better, the only big gain of the war is that Saddam is gone but safer? How can one claim that it is safer. I mean it has not stifled terrorism it has stimulated terrorism.' "
O Presidente Bush discorda.
'American people safer' after war, Bush says - Tuesday, 07/13/04: "''The American people are safer,'' Bush said no fewer than six times during the 32-minute speech at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory."
Foram de facto oito vezes incluindo um conclusivo 'The American people and the world are safer'
President Bush Discusses Progress in the War on Terror: "There are still outlaw regimes pursuing weapons of mass destruction, but the world no longer looks the other way. Today, because America has acted, and because America has led, the forces of terror and tyranny have suffered defeat after defeat, and America and the world are safer."
Correndo o risco de citar o Daily Show, Jon Stewart entrevistando Wolf Blitzer - famoso anchor da CNN - foi direito ao ponto a propósito do relatório do Senado sobre as falhas dos serviços de informação.
Citado de memória e imprecisamente: JS: Tomando em consideração os resultados do inquérito, em que se concluiu enormes falhas no tratamento e qualidade da informação recolhida, isto não é um dos maiores escândalos da história?
WB: 'pausa a pensar na melhor maneira de responder'
JS: Supostamente alguém teria de ser demitido, responsabilizado...
WB: George Tenet já lá não está...
JS: Sim foi-se embora com um elogio público
Do outro lado do Atlântico, no outro inquérito:
BBC NEWS | Programmes | Hardtalk | Butler Report: Tim Sebastian interviews Hans Blix: "TS: "In the original intelligence that was presented to the Prime Minister it contained caveats and questions marks. When it was presented to Parliament and the public, those question marks and caveats had gone. Is that still acting in good faith?"
HB: "No I think they should have preserved the question marks."
TS: "It's not in good faith?"
HB: "I think it was a spin that was not acceptable. They put exclamation marks where there had been question marks and I think that is hyping, a spin, that leads the public to the wrong conclusions."
TS: "It's a distortion?
HB: "Yes a spin is a distortion, the public doesn't get the whole truth."
Entretanto o autor do relatório britânico sobre as armas de destruição maciça do Iraque foi promovido a chefe dos serviços secretos britânicos.
